Student Consent Process & Forms

For the 2024-25 school year, each school is asked to choose one of two approaches for securing parent permission and student assent: active/opt-in consent or passive/opt-out consent. Please see below for an overview of each approach, along with the related documentation. Each school should choose a consent process based on their district's policies and practices.

For a teacher/classroom is an active/opt-in consent school to be included in the study, at least 80% of students in the classroom must have permission/assent for video recording. 

For a teacher in a passive/opt-out consent school to be included in the study, no more than 20% of students can be opted out of video recording.

To support SLs and your partner teachers in requesting permission for video recording, we will mail paper copies to your school for each of the forms listed below. Note that the guardian permission form and letter also ask whether the teacher can complete a survey for the study to report on their child’s SEL skills. 

Active/Opt-In Consent Schools: 

Passive/Opt-Out Consent Schools:

Active/Opt-In Consent Materials:

Passive/Opt-Out Consent Materials:

Note: we will attempt to mail an adequate number of copies to your school for each of these documents; the links above are provided in case you need to print additional copies or forms in additional languages.

Please email with any questions or concerns about the student consent process.