New To Our School?

What to expect from Te Kākano?

Holistic provision, providing safety and being responsible, be kind, to nurture and build trust, be creative, foster a love of learning, recognise and respond to all individuals and their uniqueness, enjoy adventure, explore, investigate, be flexible - learning is everywhere, to intervene NOT interfere, challenge, be brave and open minded, accept, share, cooperate and collaborate, be respectful, provide consistency, communicate, and share great humour!

Must Knows:

  • Your child will be assigned to a HERO House, one of four. They are named after prominent Kiwi's. 'Hillary' (Blue) 'Edger' (Green) 'Rutherford' (Red) 'Ormsby' (Yellow). Most HERO events encourage the wearing of house coloured clothes.

  • Every pupil has the opportunity to earn HERO cards that accumulate for themselves and also add to their HERO House cumulative team total. Individuals go on to earn milestone certificates and House rewards are celebrated collectively. Our HERO totals are on show in the display case at the end of Rimu's cloakroom.

  • Monday in Te Kākano is 'Share-a-book' day. Bring in your favourite text to share with the class. This provides fabulous oral language opportunities.

  • Friday in Te Kākano is 'Share-a-treasure' day. Bring in a small treasure to share with the class. This also provides fabulous oral language opportunities.

  • Friday is also 'Wheels-Day' at YMS. Children are invited to bring their scooters, skates or skateboards along with their helmets!

  • Whole School Assemblies are intended twice termly, outdoors - so weather dependent, and Junior Hui's are run weekly to learn our National Anthem and celebrate our successes. Please see the calendar on the home page for dates.

  • In class daily, your child will need to put their named water bottle, Carb Break and their 'Healthy Snack' into their HERO trays and boxes. The Carb Break is intended to be a sandwich or wholegrain/ Carb snack that goes in the green basket at the door and the Healthy Snack consists of one of these: 1) A Sandwich 2) Fruit or 3) Veggies. These snacks are separate from their lunch box provision which stays in their school bag until Lunchtime.

  • YMS is a Litter Free school so all packing should either be removed before packing lunchboxes OR taken home. We have Compost Bins in each class and encourage our children to recycle scraps. We also recycle paper and card in each classroom too!

  • We have an 'Active Sign In' system in operation in the office. For Health and Safety reasons, please ensure that you sign in if you are late arriving to school (after 8.55am) or if you are collecting early (before 3pm) - thank you.

  • Please ensure your child's details, especially any allergies we need to be aware of, are up to date with the office manager and that you have signed up to the school communication systems and to your child's Linc-Ed profile to ensure that you receive all notifications - thank you.

  • Here at YMS we are constantly planning for a diverse range of activities and experiences throughout the year such as Swimming Lessons, Triathlon, Cross-Country, Kapa Haka Cultural group, Choir, Book Week, Maths Week, Reading Together workshops, School Trips, School Camps etc. We will advertise these and advise you by our school communication systems, once details are confirmed to give you as much notice as possible.

  • We have a very pro-active PTA at YMS. They organise a variety of fund-raising events throughout the year that will be advertised as they come along including Sausage Sizzles, Mothers Day Stall, Character Days, Produce Sales, Pool Parties etc. If you would like to be a part of the PTA initiative please let us know and we can point you in the right direction :)

What do you think is important for new parents that we do not already have covered? Thanks (email me your ideas please)