social science

CURS 2022/23

true size of the countries

October 2022. This week, 3rd ESO students have learned the true size of the countries by using a useful App named, the true size...


December 2022. This week, the students of 3 ESO have played the Island game. In this game they are shipwrecked who arrive on an island where they must create a sustainable economy based on the resources they obtain on the island.

CURS 2021/22

Native American

October 2022. This week, 3rd ESO students have learned about the people who lived in North America before the arrival of the Europeans. First, they have chosen a tribe, and later they answered several questions about it. They enjoyed it very much!!!!

How to survive on Mars

May 2022. This week, students of the 3rd grade of ESO have used their knowledge of Mars and living organisms to describe a building with the critical features for survival on Mars.

Marco Polo’s project

April 2022. This week, 3rd ESO students have learned about the Age of discovery in Europe. In particular, the students have learned about the life of one of the first explorers and adventurers in Modern History: Marco Polo.

CURS 2020/21

February 2021. 2nd and 3rd ESO students have learned the basics of the catapult (trebutchet) and have been able to experiment with various functional models made to scale, including the famous catapult designed by Leonardo daVinci.They have also known the equipment of a 16th century infantryman.

CURS 2019/20

Social Science by 3rd ESO at INS Seròs 2019-20 AICLE.mp4

A 3r ESO a l'aula de Social Science hem treballat la Geografia local. Hem dissenyat tríptics informatius dels municipis de l'entorn. Hem après vocabulari i conceptes dels tres Sectors Econòmics a través del treball cooperatiu i exposicions orals.

Us deixem una mostra.

Primary Sector .pdf

Geography. Primary Sector vocabulary.

Us deixem una activitat per repassar vocabulari del primer sector econòmic.

Una activitat elaborada per un alumne de 3r ESO.

Educaplay by Jesús Ibars.

Spring at Home.pdf

Spring in confinement!

La situació excepcional que hem viscut durant aquesta primavera confinada, ha comportat aprendre de noves maneres i adaptar les tasques.

L'Art ha estat una forma d'aquestes perquè és una forma d'expressar-se i un gran recurs en temps de crisi!


Coronavirus Lockdown

Students Art Reproductions!


December 2022. This week, the students of 3 ESO have played the island game. Like castaways arriving on a deserted island, they have had to figure out ways to extract resources and produce goods and services.