
My name is Mar Bertran Calvera and I am Music teacher and support foreing language teacher. I also teach German and Music Theater. This is my first year in the GEP programme.

GEP is a challenge for me. I consider that my level of English is not very fluent but I have made an effort to preparate each session with many types of inputs to balance it and I proud of the results: the students ones and own results.

However, I think the fluency of teacher's language could be a disadvantage in GEP classes and will try to improve it in my lessons.

My name is Judith Montes Gómez and I am an English and German teacher. I have always tried to teach those foreing languages adding some sense of usefulness in our students' short-term lives. That is why I love working in this high school, where PBL is so well established, and that is also why I got engaged in this GEP training as the English "expert".

I have learnt a lot from my colleagues during this project. Both from Mar (Music teacher) and from Maria (Project Work Science&Technology), with whom I have also collaborated in creating and implementing her lesson plans. As I expected, it has enriched my way of teaching.