Impact and dissemination


B.I.T.E. aims to disseminate the results among the populations of all partner schools, including staff, administrators, students, school boards and parent committees. As one of our main goals is to influence public opinion and raise awareness about the food system and sustainability from their perspective, we disseminate the results of the project to local communities, student families, local authorities, professional bodies, ministries of education, town councils, NGOs, university representatives and the general public at national level.

The exhibition to the wider lifelong learning community is managed through the Erasmus + Project, the project website, the e-Twinning portal and the exchange of examples of good practice through other European programs and international bodies.

All schools share the results of BITE partnership within each school, in the local communities and in the wider lifelong learning community by:

- Publishing articles/ interviews in the school magazines/newspapers and publishing broadcasting interviews/audiovisual material in the local mass media

- Exhibition of the products within each partner school

- Multiplication and distribution of the final products

- Informing other schools of the work in progress and the final products/ Inviting other schools to participate in activities or during project meetings

- Organising an official reception at the respective City Councils/Town Halls during transnational meetings

- Inviting authorities of professionals/NPO's and university representatives to lead


- Teachers share their experience with other schools at regional level


This experience can be used as an example to get to know the resources and reality of the territory and of the local regions. It can help promoting wellness, a healthy lifestyle and above all entrepreneurship under a sustainable perspective and it can be a stimulus for a more active and European teaching.

The project outcomes and the activities can be repeated in the future and be completely integrated in the national curricula. In addition, regarding students and teachers, the professional-social bonds created through BITE will continue through communication and further collaboration on E-twinning, blogs, video conferences and the social media.