
💪💪💪These are our last challenges. After a week of teamwork, they are easy peasy!!! 💕

To see how much you have learn, today we will present our eDICTIONARIES. Then we will organize an INTERNATIONAL CONTEST. And later, we will celebrate the end of our amazing week together with a PINCNIC LUNCH.

e- dictionary PRESENTATION

Today from 8 to 9 am you will finish the eDictionary. After you will go to the Library to prepare the KAHOOT Activity. At 10.20 am we will start the ORAL PRESENTATIONS. And after listening to each group you will co-evaluate your Erasmus peers' teamwork.


  • Finish publishing your eDictionary presentation on the Classroom.

  • Download it in a PDF format in your computer.

  • Upload it on the ISSUU app. You will get an ebook of your eDictionary.

  • Get the link and hand it in on the Google Classroom.

  • Prepare your ORAL PRESENTATION. Answer these 5 questions:

  1. What 2 expressions do you find really useful when you are an Erasmus student?

  2. What is a good part of your eDictionary?

  3. Did you answer the question for each task? Read it at each section when presenting your eDictionary.

  4. What was a difficult thing of doing teamwork?

  5. How did you solve it?

During the ORAL PRESENTATION, you will show the parts of your eDictionary and each member of the group will explain the answer to one of these 5 questions.


  1. Prepare 5 questions about what you have learned these 5 days in Calaf. You can ask about the symbols you have seen in this country, the language expressions you have put on the eDictionary, specific things about Montserrat, Sitges, els Castellers, the teamwork difficulties, the town in Calaf, and what you have learned about the other countries, in general.

  2. Make sure that you challenge your Erasmus mates!!!