Leading Our Own Learning - Music

Year 10 & 11

Our Key Stage 4 students are working towards developing the skills to be an all round musician, prepared for the modern music industry.

Through their musical developments they will also work towards the Level 2 Certificate for Music Practitioners qualification awarded by RSL (Rock School Limited).

Through their studies we encourage students to be creative, establish links to the real world and enjoy the learning journey.



RSL Level 2 Certificate for Music Practitioners

Click on the RSL logo below to browse the vocational part of their website.

Core Unit

Unit 231 - Live Music Performance

This unit aims to further develop learners' abilities in the area of live performance.

The purpose of the unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to undertake performances to a defined environment.

Optional Unit

In order to achieve a level 2 qualification (equivalent to 1 GCSE) students will be required to complete 1 optional unit as well as the core unit above.

The optional unit can be chosen from the following list...

Unit 208 - Music Style in Context

Unit 224 - Digital Recording & Production

Unit 230 - Music Rehearsal Skills

Unit 235 - Improving Instrumental Performance