We consider Art and Design to be an important part of our student’s education here at XP and XP East. So this is why ALL our students study a GCSE in a creative subject.

"It's a way of expressing yourself, at a time when you don't even know what you want to express"
"It gives young people the a ability to risk take experiment and make mistakes"
Art and design is everywhere. It's the reason we enjoy life films, performances and art galleries. The sofa we sit on was designed, the wallpaper that decorates our houses makes us want to come home and the clothes that someone has designed makes us want to go out!
"It's a great coping mechanism for mental health"
Without creative thinkers where would all the new ideas and invention come from?
Students who have a creative background don’t just make good architects, they make good doctors, surgeons, solicitors, mechanics etc...
Creativity is fast becoming the most coveted skill of the future and one of the most sought-after skills by employers in all industries.

Please use these links to find more information about what kind of work you will be doing in your art sessions: