How is my son or daughter set work?

Weekly Planner – your overview for the week ahead

We will publish a weekly planner at the start of each week. This will give parents and families an overview of the suggested timetable for the week, and activities for each day.

This will be posted on our school homepages at , and .

Screenshot of a weekly planner
  • Google Classroom is where your son or daughter will go to find instructions on what their teachers would like them to do

  • Google Sites is where your son or daughter will go for resources to help with their learning

  • Google Hangouts is where your son or daughter can have live video / chat conversations about their learning with their classes and teacher.

Google Classroom – instructions for your son or daughter

Why do we use it?

We use ‘Google Classroom’ to share our instructions with your son or daughter. This is where we make announcements, set extended study, home learning and tasks.

How do we access it?

There is a button for Google Classroom on every Google Site. There is also a button on the top of the school website homepage once students have logged on. An app can also be downloaded from the Appstore or Google Play.

Accessing Google Classroom on a laptop, Mac or PC
Accessing Google Classroom on a smartphone or tablet

How do we see what work has been set?

How students look at work that has been set

Google Sites – resources to help your son or daughter

Why do we use it?

We use ‘Google Sites’ to put our curriculum online. This is where your son or daughter will access resources for specific learning expeditions, or programmes of study such as GCSEs or A-Levels.

How do we access it?

All of the Google Sites can be accessed from the homepage of your son or daughter’s school website.

How do these websites work?

Google Hangouts – conversations with classes and teachers

Why do we use it?

‘Google Hangouts’ is a resource where we can have live conversations with our students through video and/or text as is appropriate.

How do we access it?

If your son or daughter is invited to a ‘Google Hangout’ live meeting, they should remember that this is a professional setting and that they must act as they usually would in a classroom. Invites are sent through Google Classroom, or Gmail.

'Hangouts Meet' is a video and audio chat link.

'Hangouts Chat' is a text chat link.

An app for meet and for chat can also be downloaded from the Appstore or Google Play.

