How will the school communicate with us?

Our school homepages – important messages for our community

Why do we use it?

Our school websites contain important messages from our Principal and updates concerning the situation.

How do we access it?

Each school website can be accessed at , or .

Gmail – updates and keeping in contact through email

Why do we use it?

Your son or daughter has a Gmail account which is associated with their school google account. It will automatically send emails when things are posted on Google Classroom, or documents are shared on Drive for example. It also allows your son or daughter to send emails to their teachers.

How do we access it?

There is a button for Gmail on the top of the school website homepage once students have logged on. An app can also be downloaded from the Appstore or Google Play.

Telephone – updates and keeping in contact

As a Trust we have identified families that we will keep in contact regularly to offer support. This will be done by crew leaders and learning coaches.