Frequently asked questions

When my son or daughter tries to access some files it says that they need permission to view the file. What do we do?

Some resources that we share can only be accessed when logged into a school Google Account.*

Your son or daughter should be able to access the file by checking that they are logged into the correct Google Account.

This video shows you how to do this.

*This is most often for copyright reasons

When logging into their school google account it says that my son or daughter has entered the wrong details but they are sure it is correct.

The most common mistake here is the difference between a username and an email. Check carefully whether your son or daughter is being asked to provide their username or email.

Students' emails are in the form below with the @ address at the end:

Students' usernames are in the form below without the @ address at the end:



If your son or daughter has forgotten their password, please contact the school via

My son or daughter just wants to contact their teacher. What is the best way to do this?

The best way to do this is to send an email using the GMail app. See the page on how to contact specific staff. Their teacher may then invite them to a Google Hangout chat or meet.