Green Initiatives

MLP Collection Drive

Dr. Seema Das organized an MLP drive in college to collect Multi-Layered Packaging waste on 29 August 2019 and 27 November 2019. She was assisted by 15 students across the different faculties in college. This also included an MLP art installation by members of the Safai Bank on 30 September 2019. Students and faculty were encouraged to bring MLP waste from their homes and neighbourhood for proper disposal by the NGO Safai Bank of India, that sends it to appropriate agencies to be used in the construction of roads across the country.

Dr Seema Das in front of the art installation made entirely of MLP waste. The caption at the back reads "I'm an Angel. I deposit my MLP"
Poster for the MLP Drive to collect Multilayered Plastic Waste from college and homes of staff and students
Student volunteers across the Science and Arts faculty volunteered to collect MLP waste in college

Installation of Grey Water Treatment Plant

Greywater Treatment and Recycling Plant based on Electrocoagulation was installed and a successful pilot run was performed on 28 November 2019. Grey water from the Boys' Hostel in College is being treated and reused in the toilet flushes, saving up on copious amounts of clean water.

This project by Life Science students Ms Karishma Katpitia and Ms Zubia Shaikh, under the guidance of Dr Binoj Kutty, was awarded USD 4500 under the ‘Youth Mentorship Programme for Environment Conservation’ by the US Consulate General, Mumbai and Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation for a period of four months, starting August 2019. Ekonnect representatives visited the site on 9 December 2019. The students and Dr Binoj Kutty made a presentation on the working status of the project to US Consulate members on 30 December 2019.

The Electrocoagulation unit for grey water treatment installed in the boys' hostel building in the college premises
Representatives of Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation inspected the unit and interacted with Ms Zubia Shaikh and Ms Karishma Katpitia
Representatives from the US Consulate with Rector Fr Keith D'Souza, SJ, Principal Dr Rajendra Shinde, Dr Binoj Kutty, Ms Zubia Shaikh and Ms Karishma Katpitia after the presentation on 30 December 2019
Ms Zubia Shaikh, Ms Karishma Katpitia and Dr Binoj Kutty being awarded USD 4500 under the ‘Youth Mentorship Programme for Environment Conservation’ by the US Consulate General, Mumbai and Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation for the implementation of their Grey Water Treatment Project using Electrocoagulation.