Chromebook Repair Costs

Families are responsible for damage to district-assigned 1-to-1 Chromebook devices as outlined in Board Policy 363.21, 443.9, and 470. During online registration (required for student enrollment each year), parents are required to agree to the policies and procedures as outlined in the Board policies (Board policies can be viewed at the following site:

As a technology department, it is our goal to minimize the cost of repair as much as we possibly can by finding affordable replacement parts, providing labor for repair of all non-warranty devices, and saving costs where we can.

Some districts use an insurance-like fee that all (or most) parents pay at the beginning of the year to help offset the cost of damage repairs throughout the year. We have not had an adequate level of interest expressed by parents and so we do not currently offer this option.

You can reach us at or call the Central Office (2624728700) if you have any questions or concerns regarding Chromebook damage.

Chromebook approximate cost ranges for parts

Part Name

Screen (Regular)

Screen (Touch-capable)

Full Keyboard

Single Key


Case Parts

Internal Components


Full Device Replacement

Approximate Range










Chromebook Care Guidelines

Chromebook damages are usually a result of improper care of devices. Please see some recommendations below regarding how to take proper care of devices:

  1. (Optional) - You may purchase a plastic case or other type of case to add to the student device that may help alleviate potential damages. We have more information on this site about potential options, or you can look up the model of the device and find a case on Amazon or any other online vendor.

  2. If devices are being transported in backpacks, it's important for backpacks to be handled with care - not thrown around, placed gently on the ground when setting down, place backpacks in a safe location when not in use

  3. While at home, find a safe place to place the device where it won't be accidentally damaged

  4. While at home, use the device on a solid surface like a desk or table while in use

  5. While at home, do not leave Chromebooks sitting around on couches, chairs, or floors while not in use

  6. Do not leave devices in vehicles

  7. Limit outdoor use of devices

  8. Parents: Have a conversation with your kids reminding them that their device is district-owned and needs to be used carefully. Remind them of safe ways to use their devices.