Virtual Fair Online

Welcome to the virtual science & engineering fair!

Public viewing of projects is now closed.

Students may log into FlipGrid through March 31 to view their presentations.


Use the links below to view all the projects and learn what students investigated!


Don't stop at just one project type-- visit them all!

STEP 3: VOTE [voting is now closed!]

Did you see something really impressive? interesting? innovative? inspiring? Nominate that project for the Audience Choice Award!

Students can also vote on Student Choice Award for outstanding project and presentation by our science fair mentors!

Click the links below to enter each science fair project gallery!

Students should enter their username that they used to make their presentations. Families/guests should enter the guest password (see where to do this in the picture shown to the right). The guest password was shared with Happy Valley students and families (contact us if you can't locate it!)

Awards & recognition

The Virtual Fair is designed to be a celebration of learning-- not a competition. Student projects will be evaluated by the faculty and students from Western Washington University, and will be eligible one of the following recognitions:

  • Outstanding Innovation and Creativity

  • Outstanding Inquiry and Investigative Design

  • Outstanding Engineering Design

  • Outstanding Data Analysis

  • Outstanding Scientific Communication

  • Outstanding Real World Application or Benefit

  • Outstanding Research

Award packets and certificates for all participants will be delivered to Happy Valley Elementary following the fair!