Supporting Your Student

Adults should provide oversight and act as a resource, but the students should do the project! It is okay for parents and guardians or other family members to provide extra help preparing project presentations, particularly for younger students.

Looking for project ideas?

Students are encouraged to design their own projects, rather than merely copying something they find online. A great place to begin is to learn more about the 4 types of projects students can complete. Our weekly eNewsletter also has helpful tips for completing a project from start to finish!

We recognize that students--especially those who have never done a science fair project before- might need some inspiration or have questions about what a science fair project looks like.

  • Check out the activities on this page or here. What is something you could change about the activity to experiment further? What do you predict might happen? How can you make it your own?

  • Still stuck choosing a topic? Use the Topic Selection Wizard to find project ideas. Think about new questions might you explore for each of the projects.