Registration Fees

$85 per course

$25 non-refundable registration fee per family


4 courses + registration fee = $365

Registration will begin on Friday, March 4th and end on Friday, May 6th.

Please log into your Genesis Parent Access account. In order to register your child(ren), you must go to the "Forms" tab at the top of the page and click on "Summer Enrichment."

Please, remember to look at courses for the grade that your child will be in September 2022.

Courses will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Courses may close once the capacity is reached. In order to create the best learning environment, class sizes will not exceed 18-20 students.

For payment information, please read the "PaySchools Central" section below.

For more information on how to access your account if you are unfamiliar with how to log on, click here.

If you are an incoming kindergarten family, please see below.


If you are an incoming kindergarten family, you do not have a Genesis Parent Access or Payschools account for your child yet.

Please, register for the kindergarten enrichment course using THIS FORM.

You will need to mail in the registration fees once it is completed. Please make all checks payable to the Westwood Regional School District and send them to the Westwood Board of Education Attn: Summer Enrichment (701 Ridgewood Rd. Township of Washington, NJ 07676). Please be sure to include your first and last child's name on the check!

Please log onto your Payschool Central account to pay for the summer courses. All registration fees will be paid online.

The family registration fee will be posted to your account no later two weeks after you register in order to secure your spot.

The remaining balance due for the courses themselves will be posted to your Payschools account on a rolling registration basis no later than May 13th.

PaySchools has created these guides to help walk parents through the basics of how to use PaySchools Central, as well as provide answers to frequently asked questions.

PaySchools Central Parent User Guide-English

PaySchools Central Guia de Usario