AI Integrity Policy

wwrsd integrity policy for grades 5-12

WWRSD AI_ChatGPT Integrity Policy FINAL.pdf

Our goal is to integrate AI tools thoughtfully into our educational framework, empowering teachers to make informed decisions about incorporating AI into their teaching practices. This aligns with our school's dedication to academic integrity and anti-plagiarism. Teachers bear the responsibility for clear communication with students, setting out the permitted uses of AI tools and outlining any specific guidelines or restrictions. 

This strategy promotes a balanced and ethical approach to AI usage in our learning environment, granting teachers the freedom to choose the most appropriate AI application for their courses and individual assignments. Following the integration of AI, students will engage in reflection regarding their learning process, critical thinking abilities, and integrity. Students will have the opportunity to confer with their teachers to exchange insights on their AI-assisted learning experiences and educational growth.

teacher options for assignments

Option #1: Use Prohibited

Students are not allowed to use advanced automated tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, or Dall-E) on this assignment. 

Option #2: Use Only with Prior Permission by Teacher 

(Citation Required)

To request permission, students must submit a prior written request to the teacher within a specified timeframe (e.g., 48 hours), detailing the purpose and intended use of the AI tool in relation to the assignment.

Option #3: Use Permitted with Acknowledgement

(Citation Required)

Students may use advanced automated tools on the assignment but must properly document and credit their use.

MLA Guide to Generative AI Citations

APA Guide to Generative AI Citations

Option #4: Use Permitted with No Acknowledgement

Students are allowed to use advanced automated tools on this assignment without special documentation or citation.

Please Note for Options 2 - 4: Any student work submitted using AI tools should clearly indicate what work is the student’s work and what part is generated by the AI. In such cases, no more than 25% of the student work should be generated by AI.

parent and student responsibilities

parent responsibilities

Parents must review, acknowledge, and sign off on the AI Integrity Policy found in the Genesis Portal. Parents should support and collaborate with all stakeholders on the ethical use of AI. 

student responsibilities

Students must adhere to the options selected by the teacher. All students are responsible for: