
At the beginning of each sport season, every athlete and coach attends a sportsmanship summit. During this meeting the following is discussed and reinforced. As an athlete, coach, or fan, you are expected to adhere to the following guidelines during interscholastic play. Failure to do so may result in penalties.

Seasonal Sportmanship Meeting Agenda:

1. NJSIAA Policies re: sportsmanship, taunting, bias incidents, disqualifications etc.

2. School Policies such as H.I.B., others

3. Social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Speaking to the media, interviewing skills, respecting opponents

4. Behavior towards officials, opposing coaches & players and spectators

5. Conduct representing your school; reflection on your community, school, team, coaches

6. Language while competing at all times, pre-game, in game, post-game

7. Competing the right way at all times even when nobody is looking

8. Respecting opposing school facilities (locker rooms, cleaning up bench areas etc.)

9. Behavior as a spectator should be admirable and honorable both home and away Student-Athletes are role models for other students

10. Other - Physicals, Eligibility, Concussions and any other important information you may want to discuss with your teams seasonally.

***Competition brings out the best and the worst in people. Make certain it is bringing out your BEST. Win or lose with CLASS, always.


There will be no tolerance for negative statements or actions between players and coaches. This includes taunting, baiting, berating opponents, “trash-talking” or actions which ridicule or cause embarrassment to them. Any verbal, written, or physical conduct related to race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion shall not be tolerated, and could subject the violator to ejection, and may result in penalties being assessed against your team. If such comments are heard, a penalty will be assessed immediately.