Athletic Philosophy

The Westwood Regional School District believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational development of the student.

Athletics plays an important part in the life of Westwood Regional High School. Young people learn a great deal from participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of our athletic program. Athletic participation also plays an important part in helping students develop a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition also improves school spirit and helps students develop pride in their school.

The major objective of the athletic program is to provide wholesome opportunities for students to develop positive leadership habits and attitudes of social and group interaction.

Coaching leadership should be of the highest quality and should provide athletes with examples of exemplary behavior. Measurement of leadership success should not be measured in terms of the tangible evidence of the victories and defeats. Instead character, courage and integrity should be major objectives of the athletic program.

The athletic program should always be consistent with the general objectives of the school. The athletic administration should be oriented to general policies of the institution. At no time should the program place the total educational curriculum secondary in emphasis; program leaders should constantly strive for the development of well-rounded individuals, capable of taking their place in modern society.


· To provide a positive image of school athletics at Westwood Regional High School.

· To strive always for playing excellence that will produce winning teams within the bounds of good sportsmanship while enhancing the mental health of student athletes.

· To ensure growth and development that will increase the number of participants; that will give impetus to increased contest attendance; that will enhance a program of maintenance and improvement of athletic facilities.

· To provide opportunities that will allow the program to serve as a laboratory where students may cope with problems and handle situations similar to those encountered under conditions prevailing in the contemporary world. The laboratory should provide adequate and natural opportunities for:

1) Physical, mental and emotional growth and development.

2) Acquisition and development of special skills in activities of each student’s choice.

3) Development of commitments such as loyalty, cooperation, fair play and other desirable social traits.

4) Directed leadership and supervision that stresses self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence, and the ideals of good sportsmanship that make for winning and losing graciously.

5) A focus of interests on activity programs for student body, faculty and community that will generate a feeling of unity.

6) Achievement of initial goals as set by the school in general and the student as an individual.

7) Provisions for worthy use of leisure time in later life, either as a participant or spectator.

8) Participation by the most skilled that will enable these individuals to expand possibilities for future vocational pursuits.

· To provide a superior program of student activities that includes appropriate activities for every participant.

· To provide an opportunity for students to experience success in those activities he or she selects.

· To provide sufficient activities to respond to a wide variety of students interests and abilities.

· To provide student activities which offer the greatest benefits for the greatest number of students.

· To create a desire to succeed and excel.

· To provide for the students’ worthy use of leisure time now and in the future.

· To develop high ideals of fairness in all human relationships.

· To practice self-discipline and emotional maturity in learning to make decisions under pressure.

· To be socially competent and operate within a set of rules, thus gaining a respect for the rights of others.

· To develop an understanding of the value of activities in a balanced educational process.