21st-Century Learning

"Definition and Importance"

What is 21st-Century Learning?

Let's start with a definition. According to the Glossary of Education Reform, 21st-century learning is "A comprehensive collection of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character attributes that are regarded to be significantly important to success in today's world, notably in college programs and modern careers and workplaces”.

These skills have often been described as the "4 Cs": communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. It emphasizes the importance of problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaboration, and out-of-the-box thinking. They serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for educators seeking to extend beyond conventional classroom practices.

While the 4 Cs continue to dominate most of the discussion on 21st-century learning, their scope has expanded as industry leaders have delved deeper into what it takes to support success. A broader definition of 21st-century skills includes literacy and life skills in addition to the four Cs. These include:

  • Globalization and Multicultural Literacy

  • Social and Emotional Literacy

  • Ecoliteracy

  • Financial and Economic Literacy

  • Media Literacy

  • Cyber Literacy / Digital Literacy

  • Arts and Creativity Literacy

  • Flexibility

  • Leadership

  • Initiative

  • Productivity

  • Social skills

Importance of 21st -Century Learning

Literacy skills, according to experts, are especially important in today's digital world: 21st-century skills are not just important in ensuring the safety and success of young people; they are also necessary for today's workplace. While a student may be able to get through high school by memorizing facts, this is not the case in the workplace. 21st-century skills not only help students learn well in school, but they also help them do well outside of school, in the real world, and in their future workplaces, where change is inevitable. Even though academic skills are important, 21st-century skills help a student become a well-rounded, well-adjusted, and well-liked adult who will eventually contribute to society and the country.

An introduction to 21st century skills: What they are and why they matter. (2020, May 5). Knovva Academy. https://www.knovva.com/an-introduction-to-21st-century-skills-what-they-are-and-why-they-matter/ What are 21st century skills? (2020, April 17). STEM Kits & Robotics for Kids | Inspire STEM Education with Sphero. https://sphero.com/blogs/news/21st-century-skills#:~:text=21st%20Century%20Skills%20are%20considered,great%20careers%20in%20the%20future! Education Business. (n.d.). Bringing together creativity and literacy. Business Education. https://educationbusinessuk.net/features/bringing-together-creativity-and-literacy#:~:text=Bringing%20creativity%20and%20literacy%20together,children%20to%20explore%20their%20imaginations
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