This E-Portfolio is authored by First-Year Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies Students of West Visayas State University as part of their 2021-2022 Second Semester Finals Alternative Learning Assessment (ALA) in ED 206: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum.

The Authors

Hello! I'm Albert Jan Gordon from BSED SOCIAL STUDIES 1-F, and I'm older and taller than you hahaha. I'm a very energetic person who wants to spread positivity, not virus-related positivity, but happy hormones that will make your day better. I enjoy both cooking and sleeping. If you want to learn more about me, check out my social media accounts.

Facebook: Albert Jan Gordon

Instagram: hadou_khen22

"He Who Has The Why To Live Can Bear Almost Anyhow." _Friedrich Nietzsche

Hello! I am Anthony S. Sarches, a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies Student. I am very optimistic, yet sometimes get anxious about my actions. I want to inspire everyone to strive to achieve their dreams and live life to the fullest. Lastly, I want to be part of the solution, not the problem in our society. I hope you do too!