Returning & Recrediting Donated Leave

Unused leave donations are re-credited to the donor's annual leave balance as of the original date of the donation. In the case of leave that could not have been carried forward to the new calendar year, the donor will be given one additional opportunity to donate the leave to another designated eligible recipient. This donation should be made within five working days of notice of the re-crediting of the unused donation. If the subsequent donation is unused, that donation is recredited to the donor's annual leave balance as of the original date of the first donation and the Administrative Rule is followed regarding carry-forward hours.
If more leave is donated to a recipient than the recipient needs or is eligible to use, the excess leave donation should be re-credited to the donor's annual leave balance(s) as follows:
1. If the leave donation is inter-agency (i.e., the recipient and the donor are paid from different funds), notify the contact person in the donor's agency of the dollar balance of the leave donation which was/will not be used by completing Part III of the Inter-Agency Donation Form. 2. If the recipient and the donor are paid from the same fund or if you have received notice that an inter-agency donation will not be used, either in whole or in part, determine the amount of the unused leave donation in hours by dividing the unused dollar amount of the leave donation by the hourly rate of the donor at the time the donation was made;
  • Re-credit the number of hours of unused donated leave to the annual leave balance of the donor; and,

  • Notify the donor of the amount of unused leave donation re-credited to his/her annual leave balance.

NOTE: In no case shall the provisions of the leave donation program be used or interpreted to allow an employee to carry forward hours of annual leave in excess of those allowed in Section 14.3(a) of the Administrative Rule.