Donated Leave Program 

Pursuant to the Division of Personnel (DOP) Donated Leave Program  (143CSR2), a medical emergency involving a medical condition by a classified or classified-exempt employee or by someone in their immediate family may qualify an employee as a recipient of annual leave donated by other such employees.

A medical emergency is defined under the plan as a medical condition of an employee or a member of their immediate family that is likely to require the prolonged absence of the employee from duty and will result in a substantial loss of income to the employee because of the unavailability of appropriate accrued paid leave.

The provisions of the Program establish a written application describing the medical emergency must be submitted to the employer by, or on behalf of the employee, requesting additional paid leave through the Leave Donation Program.

Upon approval of the application and exhaustion of all appropriate accrued paid leave, the employee is eligible to receive donated annual leave in accordance with the program.

Employees who are recipients of donated leave are considered on leave without pay status in accordance with the DOP's Administrative Rule (143CSR1). The receipt of donated leave in no way relieves an employee of the responsibilities of applying for either a personal or medical leave of absence without pay or receiving approval for a personal leave of absence without pay. 

The procedures and forms detailed as follows are provided as specified in the rule for the Leave Donation Program (143CSR2). These procedures and forms may be changed as the need arises.