Theater Arts Production
(Offering for 2024-25 school year)

About Theater Arts Production 

This course will be offered starting in the 2024-25 school year

Grade Level: 10-12

Course Description: This course offers an intense study of technical theater and its practical application. Students will learn design skills as well as the understanding and use of theatrical language and technical theater techniques. Theater Arts Production will provide a look into the backstage workings of theater by exploring lights, sound, costumes, make up, and set design. Students can expect to leave the class with a firm grasp of analyzing a script for author intention, setting, and tone, as well as a practical understanding of how to design and implement technical theater elements. Students will take part in small group as well as individual projects, in addition to after school/evening technical theater opportunities that may arise.

Assigned Readings: Basic Drama Projects, Fundamentals of Theatrical Design, Stagecraft, Theatre: Art in Action, as well as theatrical scripts (to be determined) throughout the semester. Readings will either be in a textbook, posted on classroom in pdf format, or copied and handed out. All readings will have a corresponding written assignment.

Final Exam: The final exam for this class will be two segments. Part I (worth 75%) is a final design project of the student’s choosing. (The details of this assignment will be handed out at the beginning of the second marking period.) Part II (worth 25%) will be on the language and information learned throughout the semester.

Attitude and Attendance: Because this is a practical application based class, it is very important that students are supportive of each other and maintain a positive attitude at all times. Group work will be done frequently. Regular attendance is EXTREMELY important. Each person’s participation is VITAL to the success of the group.