Theater Arts 2 

About Theater Arts 2

Grade Level: 10-12

Building on the foundation of Theater Arts I, this course will enable the students to discern the value of works of art, based on historical significance, craftsmanship and cultural context using contemporary methodologies. Theater Arts II will allow students to dive deeper into performance preparation with the intention to pursue a career in Theater. 

During this course students will strengthen their performance skills through technique, scene study, and analysis. They will learn how to create believable and authentic characters, use script analysis to formulate a deeper understanding of a play’s elements and structure,  and experiment with various acting techniques to shape artistic choices during monologue and scene performances. 

This course will also provide students opportunities to research and understand history’s role in the creation of theater and how it has influenced performance and the actor in today’s society. 

Theater II Syllabus  

Materials Needed: Journal, Notebook, Folder, Pencil, Highlighter, Charged Laptop


One way to earn extra credit is by seeing a play within the community or NYC. Click on the link below to complete the Google Form. Please provide detailed and constructive responses about what you enjoyed about the show. 

Play Critique Form  

*Local Theater Companies/Venues*


Character review & Development 

Script Analysis 

Acting techniques & exercises  

Monologue & Scene work 

Theater History 

Theater for Social Change 

Audition Preparation