EDD 2022 Projects

Project Details


1 AGJP:  Saltify — With winter weather conditions, driveways and sidewalks often become icy and dangerous. Going out to salt these areas in itself is a dangerous task. This is where Saltify comes in. Through a remote control, the user is able to navigate a RC car that allows for at distance salt dispensing. Being able to salt driveways from the comfort of one’s home is safer and eliminates the risk of slipping. The device utilizes a pulley system and a motor to activate the salt dispensing process throughout the user’s desired area. https://tinyurl.com/Saltify


2 Insulinsanity :  POD — Portable, electronically controlled insulin cooler that keeps insulin under 70° F or about 20° C and stores an Omnipod change. Runs on li-ion batteries that are rechargeable via USB-C and has pouches for storage of a pod change and other miscellaneous pod changing materials.  https://tinyurl.com/Insulinsanity

3 Group 3 :  AHAP (Adjustable Hip Abduction Pillow)  — An adjustable leg pillow that is used after hip surgery to aid in recovery. It locks at certain angles to accommodate different body sizes.  https://tinyurl.com/G3AHAP


4  GRR:  GRR Prototype 1 —  Our product is a golf ball picker. It works by pushing the device, similar to a shopping cart, and rolling over the balls. Then, the balls are all guided into one area once they are under the device. The balls are then sucked through a hose, which then transports them to a five gallon bucket where they are stored.  https://tinyurl.com/GRRPT1


5  Jeremiah Co.:  THE Better Mouse Trap —  THE Better Mouse Trap is a no-kill bucket mouse trap that catches mice via a lever system that makes the platform flip over when the center of gravity is shifted by a mouse. The mouse can climb onto the trap due to a ramp that is easily removable. After the mouse falls into the trap due to the platform dropping out, the electronics in the trap will activate a base station that is separate from the trap, and alert the user of the trap that the mouse is caught. When the mouse is caught, releasing it is as simple as turning the trap over and allowing the mouse to fall out of it into the environment.



 6  66 Solutions: Whack-A-Mouse! — The Whack-A-Mouse! is based upon the classic arcade game whack-a-mole, but designed for cats. Activated by detecting motion, the Whack-A-Mouse! raises and lowers mice and detects any hits. A dial determines how many hits are required for a treat to dispense, and after a sufficient amount of mouse hits, a cat treat is provided as a reward.  https://tinyurl.com/66Solutions


7  Lifeline Alarm:  Mute Detector — The alarm works like a normal alarm in your house. Our fire alarm has been modified to silence an alert that is going off falsely with a remote that powers on and off the alarm from a distance. It also includes a LED to indicate that the alarm is armed or disarmed.  https://tinyurl.com/LifelineAlarm


8  ELLMO jewelry designers :  Locking clasp — This jewelry clasp utilizes magnets to assist in holding the clasp together before the final locking mechanism is engaged. The clasp also uses locking mechanism using  https://tinyurl.com/Lockingclasp


9  Group P:  Pushing Pedals — Assistive device for drivers with ankle mobility issues.  https://tinyurl.com/PPGroupP


10 F.T.T.C.T.T.:  Toolbox Transporter —  A table with wheeled foldable legs. It is designed to be pushed into a van which has its legs fold in in the process. And when it is pulled out of the van the legs unfold and hold the table up. There is a scissor lift on the bottom in order to hold the table so one could fold the legs and lay the table on the ground. The lift also serves the ability to lift the table and its contents high enough to unfold the legs and then wheel it to its correct spot.



11 The 7-11's:  The Bike Buddy — This device will be able to monitor a bike tire's pressure while the rider is riding the bike. It utilizes an adaptor, pressure sensor, circuit, and a small speaker that will go off whenever the tire pressure is outside of normal zones.
