AP US Government    Summer work is highly suggested. The explanation is found HERE.  Use class code f4cjv2i

This semester-length course will cover the foundations of American democracy, interactions among the branches of government, civil liberties and civil rights, American political ideologies and beliefs, and political participation. By the end of the course, students will be prepared to take the AP US Government and Politics exam.  

AP Psych and Government

AP Psychology Course Description: The course is designed to study human behavior on a variety of different levels. Topics will include a look at the different approaches to psychology, psychological studies, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, stress and health, developmental learning, testing and intelligence, learning, memory and cognition, personality, states of consciousness, and personality and abnormal disorders.

Summer work:  Summer work is listed below (2 assignments).   Both assignments are due on or before the second day of school and will be turned in on Schoology once your class becomes available.   If any of the articles or videos are not working, try a different browser or research and find a suitable substitute for the article/video.      


  NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED IN AP PSYCH!  Due the 2nd day of school.


There are many ways to take notes. Many of you have followed PowerPoints or lecture notes that you copied word for word without ever making your own. You may also have taken notes from a textbook by copying word for word what the book says, but never understood the meaning of the words you copied.  It is difficult to learn from notes that are not your own, nor written in your own words.


For AP Psychology, you will be required to write Cornell notes. These notes will be evaluated on format and content.  THEY MUST BE IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.  NO TYPED NOTES!  


What are Cornell Notes?


Cornell Notes are a form of "texting" notes. It is a two-column note taking system that helps you organize your lecture and textbook notes to decrease the need to go back and use your textbook for studying.


The format for Cornell Notes requires that the left-hand side of the paper will have all the questions, headings, subheadings, famous people, and vocabulary noticed during the reading of the textbook.   Using a different color, you will add notes from class lectures, videos, articles, etc.  The right-hand side becomes your "texts" to yourself regarding the reading or lecture. Remember notes are not to be written word for word. They can be in "TEXTING" format … U may rite in short frm all u like. Just make sure that you can read your own notes.


Studies have indicated that students that take an Advanced Placement course and use effective note taking strategies and go on to a post-secondary school, tend to perform 70- 80% better than their peers in critical thinking and problem solving. 


STEP 1:   Read this article on “What’s the Best, Most Effective Way to Take Notes?” : https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2015/05/how-to-take-notes/


STEP 2:   Watch this video on taking Cornell Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErSjc1PEGKE&list=PL_BSE891_6vm6AfxCIg88CDUc5_9kqJc0



STEP 3:  Now you will attempt your first try at Cornell Notes.  In this step, read and take notes on the following article using the Cornell Method: https://www.simplypsychology.org/whatispsychology.html




NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED IN AP PSYCH! Due the 2nd day of school.  


Create a Screencast

STEP 1: Watch the following tutorial about creating a screencast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1jIPo1

STEP 2: Visit the following site: https://screencast-o-matic.com/


STEP 3: Create a screencast that lists and briefly explains the following psychological schools of thought: neuroscience, evolutionary, behavior genetics, cognitive, and social-cultural.  


STEP 4: When finished, post the screencast or link to Schoology on or before the second day of school.  

Note: If screencast-o-matic does not work for you, you may use a different program to create the screen recording.