Graduate Expectations

  • Communication- rubric, progression

  • Critical Thinking

  • Creativity

  • Culture & Community

  • Wellbeing

  • Persistence

Graduate Proficiencies:

Visual Arts: I express myself through the visual arts.

Performing Arts: I express myself through the performing arts.

STEM Design: I design solutions to real-world problems using the methods of science, technology, and engineering.

Math Reasoning: I solve complex quantitative problems using mathematical reasoning.

Historical Inquiry: I make sense of the present and decisions about the future using historical inquiry.

Financial Literacy: I make informed decisions using the concepts of financial literacy.

Scientific Reasoning: Descriptor forthcoming

Cross-Cultural Engagement: I engage knowledgeably and respectfully as part of a diverse community.

Civics: I enhance my community and the world using knowledge of geography, government, social, and economic systems.

Natural World: I enhance my community and the world using knowledge of the interrelationship between earth and living systems.

Writing: I write clearly and coherently for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Speaking: I speak clearly and coherently for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Civil Discourse: I communicate in ways that foster the exchange of ideas in a democratic society.

Critical Reading: I summarize, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational and creative works.

Non-Native Language: I show effort and long-term commitment to learning a non-native language.

Goal Setting: I set and monitor goals for my personal growth.

Physical Health: I engage in a health enhancing level of physical activity.

Human Body: I make informed decisions about my physical health based on an accurate understanding of the human body.

Social-Emotional Health: I make informed decisions for my social and emotional health based on an understanding of my strengths and challenges.