Our Curriculum
Dear Family,
Twice a month, Mrs. Beus and I visit your student’s classroom to teach Social Emotional Learning lessons. These SEL lessons are created from the Second Step program (Secondstep.org), Leader In Me resources (Leaderinme.org), and then children’s stories and personal experiences.
Mrs. Beus, our Counselor Assistant, is amazing and she teaches grades K-3rd. I teach 4th-6th grades. We both have years of experience and love teaching students!
We will focus on the 7 Habits for Happy Kids…
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win Win
Seek to Understand then be Understood
Sharpen the Saw
The Second Step Lessons focus on…
Growth Mindset & Goal Setting – Children learn how to pay attention and manage distractions, develop a growth mindset, and apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
Emotion Management- Children learn how to identify and label emotions and use emotional management strategies – including stress management for older students – to calm strong feelings.
Empathy & Kindness- Children learn how to recognize kindness and act kindly, have empathy for others and take others’ perspectives, and recognize kind acts and empathy as important elements of building and maintaining relationships.
Problem-Solving- Children learn how to identify and state a problem, recognize if a problem is an accident, and use the STEP problem-solving process:
S: Say the problem
T: Think of Solutions
E: Explore the outcomes
P: Pick a Solution
Career Month: April will be Career Month. We ill have Career Activities and a Career Day if we can!
Teacher Appreciation: May will be Teacher Appreciation and our lessons/activities will focus on gratitude.