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Tools for Resiliency

Stress Lessons Tools for Resiliency Grades 9-12: is a resource designed for education professionals, and their partners, who want to help youth develop resilience. Full of psychologically-sound strategies and tools, this resource will help teens develop resilience and positive coping skills.

This resource will help educators create “teachable moment” opportunities to introduce stress management strategies and skills, and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves. Featuring five Stress Lessons and a student-led Stress Conference demonstrating new knowledge and skills, this resource aligns with health- and wellness-related subject areas. Teachers of other subjects—Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Business, and Art—may also be interested in using or adapting parts of the resource to enhance their learning activities. Stress is, after all, a cross-curricular, human subject.

The following file is only accessible to staff of
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools by request

MHCB Program Manager Notes: