Chromebook Options

Chromebook Specs:

AUE - Auto Update Expiration Date - this is REALLY important as this is the date your chromebook will stop accepting updates which are critical to proper functioning. Once an AUE date is reached a chromebook won't immediately stop working, it will just work less and less consistently well over time. Some chromebooks will work for several months past their AUE date.

Be careful of sale items - often chromebooks on sale have a shorter AUE date than regular priced chromebooks.

RAM - random access memory - this is how quickly a chromebook performs the functions you ask of it. Most student chromebooks come with 4GB RAM as a standard which works well. However, you can upgrade to higher GB of RAM for faster functioning at a more expensive price.

GB hard drive - this is how much file storage the chromebook has. Most student chromebooks come with 32 GB as a standard. However, you can upgrade to a higher GB for more file storage. Note: chromebooks work primarily off the cloud and therefore NEED internet to operate. GB hard drive storage is needed for offline work.

USB ports - chromebooks often come with 2 or more USB ports. These can be useful if you want to use an external mouse or plug in other external devices.

Touch screen - some more expensive chromebooks have a touch screen. This is purely user preference and up to the consumer.