More info on BYOD in the classroom

1. It Solidifies Communication And Collaboration

2. It Reduces Cost (as we build into more and more student owned devices WRPS can provide the highway (internet network) and students the cars (devices).

3. It Offers Absolute Control

4. It Makes Sharing Easy

5. It Promotes Learning On The Go

6. It Helps Students Access Additional Information

*chromebooks won't have to be cleaned between users.

Why begin a BYOD program?

1) It's personal. When a student has their own chromebook there is increased familiarity and ownership.

2) We can bridge between formal (in-school) and informal (beyond classroom) learning.

3) Opportunities for student choice in learning and demonstrating learning can occur when every student has a device.

4) Access to digital content and digital learning environments become readily available and these can provide multiple pathways to learning.

5) Cost and sustainability: eventually the school division can focus on providing the infrastructure (highway) instead of also purchasing the cars (chromebooks) for students.