EQAO (Grade 10 OSSLT, Grade 9 Math)

EQAO assesses how well Ontario's public education system is developing students' reading, writing, and math skills.  High school students must complete 2 standardized tests: grade 9 Math and grade 10 OSSLT.  The OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) is mandatory for all students working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.  Students who do not pass the OSSLT will need to complete the literacy course or adjudication process in order to graduate high school.

For more information, visit: https://www.eqao.com/ 

Grade 9 Math EQAO Practice Test: https://www.eqao.com/the-assessments/grade-9-math/ 

Grade 10 OSSLT Practice Test: https://www.eqao.com/the-assessments/osslt/ 

JHSS Student Guide: Everything you need to know about writing the OSSLT

View the hyperdoc to the left for an overview of the new online OSSLT.  This document contains tips, tricks and practice materials for those preparing to write the test.

Grade 11's and non-graduating grade 12's complete the OSSLT in the Fall.  Grade 10's complete the OSSLT in the Spring.

Grade 9 Math EQAO will occur in grade 9 Math classes toward the end of each semester.

If you have any additional questions about EQAO testing for the 2023/ 24 school year, please speak with a Special Education Resource Teacher.