First Week Reminders

Welcome to Room 30
Grade 1 French Immersion

We are so glad to have you in our class!

Monsieur Praamsma and Mrs. vanRees will be your main teachers this year. You will have your English instruction in the morning with Mrs. vanRees and French instruction in the afternoon with Monsieur Praamsma.

Mrs. vanRees
greeting no mask2.mp4

This website will contain any information you may need throughout the year that pertains within our classroom. This first page will change as needed to include important information for the entire class. Mrs. vanRees and M. Praamsma will also update their own pages (English/French) for specifics on their part of the day and what learning is happening there.

Please note that this year has its unique challenges with COVID-19 and often things are changing daily. We will try and keep you updated the best we can. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

At this time, please DO NOT send in pencil cases, supplies or indoor shoes. We will provide everything your child will need in class and will store it in their own individual desk and bin.

Please provide an extra set of clothes (just in case) that can be kept at the bottom of their backpacks in a ziplock bag. This will be need to stay in their backpack - but will be available if any accidents or spills happen during the day.

Backpacks will stay on the hooks in the hall and lunches will be stored inside the room. Your child will only need their lunch and a water bottle. We will have 2 nutrition breaks for your child to eat.

Your child may wear his/her own mask or we will provide him/her with a reusable one. (If they come home with a school one, please wash it at home and reuse again.) Lanyards, clips or necklaces/chains are NOT allowed to be attached to masks. If you wish to provide a fanny pack to store the mask while your child is outside, that would be okay. We can provide a brown paper bag for the mask to be stored in.

Our main communication will be through this website as well as through emails and SchoolDay. Our contact information will be readily available on the 'Contact Us' tab at the top or on the drop down menu (3 lines) on a smartphone.

HOMEWORK (for the adult in the family): Please fill out the form below. This form allows us to gain a better understanding of your child through your eyes and helps us make connections to get to know him/her a little better. Please submit it no later than Friday, September 18. If you would rather have a paper copy, please let us know.