Google Classroom

Click HERE to go to our Google Classrooms

You should have received an email with your child's sign in information. Mrs. vanRees sent student usernames and passwords. When you are prompted to add an email, you need to add after your child's user name. (i.e.,

As we settle into our physical classroom, our goal is to get students online using Google Classroom, so they have some familiarity with it. Our Google Classroom will eventually include work that can be done if your child is away for more than 3 days. Since we do not know how this year will go, if students (and families) have some familiarity with our online platform, we can hope for a smooth transition to online learning, if things change quickly.

Did you know you can have Google Classroom as an app on your phone? Just download "Google Classroom" for iPhone/iPad or Android. More info here.

New to Google Classroom? Need a refresher? Here's a video on how to log into Google Classroom for the first time:

How to Log into Google Classroom.mp4

Do you have more than 1 child using Google Classroom, but only 1 device? Here are some ways that might help you switch between users:

Using a computer:

Google Classroom with multiple users

Using an iPad or iPhone:

GC multiple users with iPhone/iPad