Curriculum Planning Considerations for Prioritizing What Matters Most
Both the hybrid and DLP teaching models require teachers to reflect upon their curricular expectations to focus on what matters most. In this video, Lisa offers tips on how teachers can approach paring back their content while still covering the most essential elements and keeping students engaged.
Universal Design for Learning
UDL is a framework for teachers to create a learning environment that meets the diverse needs of all students, rather than expecting all students to fit into a standardized learning environment.
For more on UDL check out this resource or check out these Guidelines for Designing a UDL Lesson
Catlin Tucker has a great series of blogs on UDL and Blended Learning. There is one on Engagement, Representation, and Action and Expression.
Tips for Organizing the Instructional Day
An effective and efficient workflow is essential in the quadmester system. Lisa offers some considerations for planning that keeps students connected, engaged, and builds in time for teachers to address some of the additional demands on their time.
Trauma-Informed Practices
In this bite Lara Shantz explores how teachers can take a trauma-informed approach when interacting with students who are at a distance. These tips apply to both DLP and hybrid learning environments.
Tips for Creating an Agenda
In this bite Jill shares some tips for creating an agenda. An agenda is a great tool to help students stay organized. Try to include visual cues, important links and checklists. Here is the template she shared.