Featured Bite

If you’ve been following along with all 14 of our previous videos, you may be loving what you hear but feeling a bit overwhelmed about how to get started in your own classroom. Rest assured, that’s the focus of Liljedahl’s final chapter and we are summarizing it here!

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Welcome To Bite Sized Learning

These short and focused PD videos offer an opportunity for educators to control their own learning. Most videos are about 5 minutes, and include a short demonstration or explanation. We try to keep them bite sized!

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Who are we?

We are two educators who aim to continuously learn, and share our learning with others. We know that educators are busy, so we want to offer short digestible bites of learning.

Lisa Hicknell

Lisa Hicknell began her career in education in 2000 and for most of that time taught history at GRCI. When she became a Learning Support Teacher in 2013, she began to spend more time reflecting on educational practices that contribute to a lack of equity and engagement in the classroom. This ignited her passion around student-centered assessment and led her to shift to a gradeless approach in her own classroom.

In October 2019, she moved to the Education Centre to join the Teaching and Learning division of Learning Support Services.

Jill Waters

Jill Waters began her career in education in 2004. She was an English teacher and department head at ECI for many years. Her passion for literacy instruction is exemplified in her hope that all her students will become better readers and writers. She believes in the power of community building within the classroom. She loves technology, but believes tech does not replace sound pedagogy. Overall, she loves to learn and share her learning.

In September 2020, she transitioned to a central role in the Teaching and Learning division of Learning Support Services of the WRDSB.

Want us to cover a specific topic?

Send one of us an email:

Lisa Hicknell-- lisa_hicknell@wrdsb.ca

Jill Waters-- jillian_waters@wrdsb.ca

Connect with us on Twitter @LearnBitesized to see all our latest videos or to suggest topics!