1:1 Computing @ Payton

The purpose of the 1:1 Computing @ Payton program is to prepare students for their future in a global, digital world where they will be expected to use information and technology to create, examine, explore, communicate and collaborate. It is our vision that students will leverage 1:1 computing at school and at home for their coursework, research, and collaboration. Integration of technology in the classroom expands and enhances the possibilities of teaching and learning as students and teachers solve problems, gather and evaluate information, and disseminate work efficiently. 1:1 computing can facilitate student focus and attentiveness in class through learning that is either self-paced and individualized or collaborative and cooperative.

Teachers recognize that technology integration is only one of the many tools they can and should utilize in the design and implementation of lessons. The relationship between teacher and student is critically important and will never be replaced by the use of computers in the classroom.

Commencing in the 2017-2018 academic year, all Payton students will have a dedicated laptop computer. Based on a recent survey we conducted with students, a supra-majority of students already have access to and use a personal laptop regularly on campus and at home. Universal disbursement of the laptops will ensure that all Payton students have equitable access to robust learning experiences. Further, universal disbursement will allow teachers to design and implement a fuller array of rich learning experiences because they know that all of their students can fully participate in the activities. By contrast, having a technologically heterogeneous population of students in which some students have laptops and others do not, would limit teacher’s abilities to fully leverage the multiple technology-borne learning tools.

To ensure that 100% of our students have a laptop next year we ask parents and students to take the following steps:

Case 1: I currently have a Chromebook, Windows laptop, or MacBook. If you have one of these mobile computing devices and plan to use it at school next year, you must check that your device is compliant. Please review the minimum specifications by clicking the device compliance link at the bottom of the page. If your current device meets the minimum specifications, then please simply complete the Device Survey found at the bottom of the Device Compliance page.

  • Please note that iPads, Android tablets, and similar devices are not compliant and will not suffice as 1:1 computing tools.

Case 2: I do not currently have a mobile computing device or my current device does not meet minimum specifications.

  • If you are a full fee-paying family at Payton or your current school, then you need to obtain a mobile computing device that meets the minimum specifications. You can obtain any device of your choosing as long as it meets the minimum specifications. One option might be the Chromebook 3180 (click here for details), which is the Chromebook device currently used throughout CPS, district-wide. Please ensure that the device is obtained prior to registration.
  • If you currently pay reduced fees or are waived from paying fees at Payton or your current school (for incoming families), and need assistance obtaining a CPS issued Chromebook, please simply complete the Device Survey. You will receive a follow-up email by in late June 2018 regarding next steps.

If you have any questions, please email 1to1@wpcp.org.