Take the first steps to becoming the next Mark Kermode!

Have you ever thought about being a Film Critic? Well, here's your chance to try out your skills!

Film Review Programme

  • 16 January - Moonrise Kingdom

  • 23 January - Howl's Moving Castle

  • 30 January - The Three Amigos

  • 6 February - The Hobbit

Dr Gushurst-Moore will be available to assist you with your reviews and give you lots of great ideas about other films you might like to watch and review - bgushurstmoore@worth.org.uk

Meet link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1ODgzNjg2ODQx

Class code: 7tnssxm

You may use this activity to count towards your SKILL section for DofE as long as you do regular reviews and they are uploaded to Google Classroom