Fashion Design

Do you have dreams of designing your own clothing line? It’s always good to be prepared ahead of time if you are thinking of pursuing any career. That’s why doing some related activities at a young age can help you. Here are some key steps you could take initially:

  • Learn how to sew and embroider (see our related activity in this area)

  • Draw and paint on your own to exercise your eye for colour and patterns

  • Learn visual design software like Photoshop, CorelDraw, Xara, Serif DrawPlus

  • Read about Art and Fashion Design from blogs, books, and magazines

So, if this has whetted your appetite thus far, why not try this free online course below...

You can certainly use this as a SKILL for DofE as long as you keep a record of your learning and hours on Google Classroom. Maybe you could even create your own Fashion Project with drawings/sketches etc.

Please join class code xt5vkjf in Google Classroom