T3 Class Pics

Battle of the WOLVES!!! 

Marbles Field Trip: Stem Discovery Learning Lab & 3D Movie!

Week 6 & 7: Division math games and challenges have ensued.  Your child should be able to divide thousands by single and (some) even double digit numbers! What if it doesn't divide evenly? No worries, these kids can handle reminders! 

Week 5: Picture below is our magnetism exploration. Students have learned: 

Week 4: Pictured below is our magnet exploration focusing on how a magnet pulls on all things made of iron without touching them, and that this pulling can result in motion. Students learned that a magnet attracts some metals, but not all of them. Also pictures, we have been reading vignettes as plays giving various perspectives from specific events during the American Revolution. Lastly, music had a special guest, dum master Diali Cissokho!

Week 3: Pictured below, students are exploring lengths in metric units. To develop a sense of the multiplicative relationship between centimeters and meters. 

Week 2: Math games and freedom friday activities. This week's games focused on helping the kiddos strengthen their multiplication and division fluency. 

Week 1: Practicing imagery. Students read details from a story to one another. Each student had to identify the adjectives and draw the specific details using the descriptions provided by his/her partner.