

My Jobs 

I am part of the builders team, I help come up with ideas, fixes, and overall design along with the other builders. Last year some other builders and I worked on a practice bot during the season, though unfortunately we never got it fully working. I am hoping this year I can be a bigger part in helping make the robot for the season.

Where I started in robotics ... 

I first heard about the Robotics club when I started going to my high school, as it was one of the clubs mentioned and I wanted to try it out. I am glad I did because I've gotten to meet and work with some amazing people that I will never forget. Especially two specific previous members, yeah that's right I am calling you both out Ryker and Angelina, I won't forget you two for being amazing. I won't forget any of my amazing team members or coaches.

Inspiring Quote

"Fear should not be a deafening voice in your head, it should only be a calm consideration of what you should or shouldn't do. So if it's annoyingly loud and keeping you from being you, then go shove a strong smelling sock of courage in its mouth, or really whatever bit of courage you want, like a bar of courage-y soap, or courageous cheese cake. Just don't let fear control and stop you from living the life you want. Dang, now I am hungry for cheese cake."

-Myself, the one who apparently can bring cheese cake into a quote

Favorite Robotics Memory 

It's hard for me to choose any specific one, but the last day of the previous competition was really nice. I still remember the early morning December air and feel of the cold metal of the bus as we all got driven to the third and finale season competition for us from last year. I remember walking around the gym room where all the teams were put into, seeing all the really interesting and impressive designs they had made. Specifically one team had a really cool telescopic arm that had a spinning wrist joint, and I wish I got to take a better look at it. Also I remember sitting on that gymnasium floor eating lunch and chilling with the team as the speakers in the place played some classic songs. We had brought some glow bands with us to give out to people who came to check out our team while there, and I remember at the end when everything was being packed up and taken out, I made necklace out of them, which I hope I can make a tradition of for our team. Overall I enjoyed being part of a team, getting to spend and enjoy time with other people.

Outside of Robotics 

I like listening to music, I've spent many hours just chilling and looking for a song I vibe to at that moment. Gaming is another big part of what I like doing, and honestly it has me now considering getting into programming so I can make my own. Also art and blacksmithing are two more hobbies I plan on getting into more, as I find it nice to work with my hands, even if they can be rather shaky at times.