
Logistics Members 

(Previously Engineering Notebook)

Connecting BeaverBots to You

The Engineering Notebook team is in charge of all the documentation and organization of the seasons, as well as our social media outreach. This team documents the team's history throughout the duration of the season for the building, programming, and business sides of the team.

Portfolio Composition

Our portfolio is made of multiple components, some examples are:

Current Projects 

We've started work on this year Portfolio as well as other normal tasks for this part of the season! 

Past Projects

We're currently getting everything set up to host two STEM camps for our Middle School!

We completed our portfolio and get everything set up to go to Interleagues 2022!

We created an accurate mini-model of the game board for this season!

This helps our builders and programming more accurately plan routes for our robot

We helped our Building and Programming team design their game plan for this year!