2024 VEX Challenge

The class had to decide on the overall game design. It was determined that four robots would compete in two vs two-team alliances on an 8' x 8' playing field with an open field design.  Each team  created multiple autonomous mode programming profiles to either score a ball, grab a goal or "cap" a large ball onto the goal during the 20 second "autonomous mode" at the beginning of each match. Teams than had to return the goals (capture the flag)  to their  home scoring zone. This year's game was a huge success! Please view the images below to see how the matches played out! 

Capture the Flag

This years game was designed in Autodesk Inventor by input from student class discussions on field layout and scoring options. Teams have the challenge of retrieving their goal (the flag) and transporting it to their home zone. Then they have to score small balls in a movable goal and "cap" it with a large ball to secure the goal in the home zone. Bonus points are rewarded for scoring during the autonomous period at the begining of a match.