Open Educational Resources

"Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials in any medium - digital or otherwise - that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions."

~William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Unleashing the Power of OER - eAcademy

Interested in a comprehensive online course to help your teachers understand and begin to utilize OER?  We have developed courses in Moodle, Schoology, and Google Classroom that are designed to do just that!

Developed by members of the #GoOpen National Network, including representatives from Pennsylvania, the K-12 Voices for Open OER-DEIA Action Plan is intended as a strategic planning tool for district leaders wishing to promote the already pedagogically and financially compelling practice of creating or adapting open educational resources (OER) to help achieve district goals in serving all students through diversity, equity, inclusion, or accessibility (DEIA) lens.  The guide provides step-by-step planning tools, including examples, templates, and resources to help district leaders articulate and establish action plans for what we refer to as "OER-DEIA."  The entire guide is an open educational resource itself, free and openly licensed for reuse, remixing, and resharing.

 In this video, members of the #GoOpen National Network discuss the ways in which individuals from across the country are working together to develop a community of practice around the implementation of open educational resources.  Panelists share their stories in working together, and discuss the ways in which they are working to support the #GoOpen National Network through Leadership and Implementation, Policy and Advocacy, Professional Learning, and Quality Vetting and Curriculum Development.

The WIU Content Creation Collaborative (WIU C3) is powered by H5P, a free and open-source content collaborative framework that allows for the development of engaging, interactive instructional content.  

The Westmoreland Intermediate Unit's Curriculum Services Team has created a local collaborative site that is designed for educators from across Westmoreland County to develop, share, and reuse content that is rigorous, standards-aligned, and relevant to our students.