Hispanic Heritage Month

Better Together: Program Feature

8-10-23 Beauty

We had SO much fun with the theme of Beauty!  We read "Bright Star" by YuYi Morales, which combines the idea of beauty, nature and highlights the First Nations' heritage of our Latino community.

Thank you to our special guest, Kim Hoholek, member of Allies of Native Nations and local photographer.  Kim shared her 'spark' and how to be respectful when capturing beauty in our Native communities.

Youth took their own flower home, courtesy of JoAnn Fabrics and their support of 4-H.  Youth also sewed their own Bright Star like the one in the story.  Youth chose from red, white, yellow and black yarn.  These are the colors of the medicine wheel.

Can you find your perfect 4-H project by sharing about your 'Spark'?  Use this fun survey!

8-11-22 This week is all about wishes!

We are reading "Carmela Full of Wishes", and while we read we are creating the community in which she lives.  We are also trying to guess what her wish will be. . .

Make a wish using our papel picado design.

Make a map of your community or a place in your community.

7-14-22 This week is all about dreaming!

We are reading "Dreamers" by Yuyi Morales, and then we are sharing our own dreams.  Below are photos of our books!  Make sure you visit the Hedberg Public Library bookmobile to read the book we wrote all together.

Get a sneak peak of our community book!

Activity and Resource pdfs-PDFS actividades y recursos

Below are links to a pdf version of the images above.  You can print and share these to utilize the recommended activities and resources.  

A continuación hay enlaces para una versión en pdf de las imágenes arriba.  Se puede imprimir y compartir ellos para utilizar las actividades y recursos recomendados.

General Resources/Recursos Generales 

Activity Resources/Recursos de Actividades

Book Recommendations/Recomendaciones de Libros

Food Activities

Actividades de Comida

Family Activities

Actividades de Familia

Communication Activities

Actividades de la Comunicación

Pop Up Program Kit Contents-Book Titles