At-Home Resources

Check in- Question of the week

Monday, May 18th-Friday, May 22nd

I have loved making these videos for you all each week during remote learning! It has been fun for me to connect with you, even if I don't hear back- it's not a conversation like we normally have, but it's the next best thing! We have an exciting last video before summer starts...

Please watch below to hear Miss Spickler answer student questions that were submitted through my website's last check-in question. She talks ALL about her trip, missing you guys and more. Click below to watch :)

May 18th, 2020: Last Check-In Video

New parent/Guardian resource

Still adjusting to remote learning? You aren't alone! Please visit the Navigating Behavior Change website for some awesome, helpful, FREE downloads that parents/guardians can use to help continue remote learning during this last month of school. These freebies include to-do checklists, Zoom/remote learning time rules, reward system ideas and more.


An awesome resource you can use all summer!

For the last few weeks of school, I will be posting some self-reflective activities. While this, and everything on this site, is optional, I think it will really help you finish up this unpredictable school year. Just because some things happened that were outside of our control, it doesn't mean that you should be any less proud, excited or ready to move on to your next grade!

Click the arrow in the upper right hand corner to expand this document- you can use it as a discussion prompt with the people quarantining with you, a printable to cut up and write on the back of or even a list of personal journaling prompts. Self-reflection helps us look back on what we've gone through, release our thoughts and feelings about those events and ultimately move forward to the next adventure.

I know these last couple months have been tough, but we are getting through this together! Don't forget that :)

May 4 strengths and challenges.docx

Strengths and Challenges

May 11 managing emotions.docx

Managing Emotions

May 18 kindess and compassion.docx

Kindness and Compassion

Retrieved from Pathway 2 Success (TPT)

Covid-19 Resources

Created by Mrs. McKinney

Our middle school counselor, Mrs. McKinney, created some AMAZING resources for students and parents/guardians to utilize while we are still dealing with COVID-19. Because this time is filled with uncertainty, and we don't know when things will be back to normal, resources like this can help us continue to navigate this while keeping our mental health in mind! They are helpful, informative and full of fun activities and talking points :)

Please visit Mrs. McKinney's website for more awesome resources and information! She also created the COOLEST online career fair for WMS students. Find it under the "School Counseling Program" tab and make your way through the different career clusters and videos from people working in that career!


Some Good News with John Krasinski

As I talked about in my Third Check-In Video, this is a GREAT resource to enjoy to help us all stay positive. During this time, it's easy to feel sad, mad, bored, upset and more negative feelings that make us feel stuck. But focusing on the positives helps bring us out of that negative mindset! John Krasinski's videos are giving me something to look forward to each week, and it could be the same for you :)

positive Project challenge

Week 3 of Remote learning

I am challenging you guys!

Please write, draw or otherwise create a positive picture- this could be positive words/phrases, pictures, etc. that you create and share! Get a picture of it, email it to me (or ask your parents/guardians to email it to me) and I will create a section on my website dedicated to sharing our positive pictures! Doing this can help all of us remember to keep a positive mindset during this tough time!

Here is my example- with my dog, Remy! He wants you to stay positive, too!

"Life is tough but so are you!"

2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets.pdf

Covid-19 time capsule

I found this AWESOME free resource that I thought you guys would LOVE! It's a COVID-19 Time Capsule!

For those of you that don't know, a time capsule is something you make during the current time in your life to then open WAY later in the future! It's a great way to encompass your feelings, interests and ideas in the current moment, while also looking forward to a time when all of this will be over.

Whether you're bored, frustrated or somewhere in between, this is a super fun activity for not only you students to do, but everyone in your house! Compare your similar and different answers, make it colorful and most importantly, have fun with it!

If you complete this activity, put it in an envelope, box or something that will keep it safe and stow it away! Maybe set a date with your family to look back at it- a year from now; maybe 5 years from now!

Retrieved online through Google/Facebook search.

Feeling worried?

Retrieved from Counselor Keri

Source unknown

Make a Worry Box! Find a shoebox or old Amazon box lying around, decorate it and fill it with your worries- you can write them down, draw, put items inside, etc. This helps you "put" your worries somewhere instead of keeping them inside!

Feeling Bored?

Retrieved from Carol Miller

Scavenger Hunt- Counseling Style!

Create a scavenger hunt (for inside or outside) focused on social, emotional and mental health-related items! For example- find something that makes you happy, find something that makes you feel calm, describe something in detail, etc. Doing so can help you practice mindfulness (being in the moment), get your mind off worries or simply cure your boredom...for a short time ;)


Click the "pop out" icon in the upper right hand corner for 4 printable mindfulness coloring pages! Sources within PDF.


Click the "pop out" icon in the upper right hand corner for this awesome goal-setting printable! Retrieved from Empowered by THEM (TPT).

Coping skills


Retrieved from Counselor Keri (TPT)

Coping Skills Puzzle

Download a free blank puzzle template online, print out, decorate (your favorite colors, shapes, words, etc.), mix up & put together! This could be a fun activity with others in your house as well- make, trade and learn about each other!

100FreeCopingStrategies (1).pdf

Retrieved from Pathways 2 Success (TPT)

If you would like any information, activities or resources on a specific topic during our time remote learning, please click the "Contacting Miss George" tab to reach out. Although this is not a traditional situation, I am here to help in any way I can!