Adjusting to COVID-19
Simon and McNair Students and Parents/Guardians:
While none of us could've predicted a pandemic in our lifetime, we are continuously adapting, adjusting and learning what our new "normal" is. Through academic, professional and personal changes that are inevitably happening, it's important to keep your mental health in mind! Simon and McNair students & parents/guardians are receiving a lot of information regarding what our remote learning next steps are looking like. This website is a place to experience OPTIONAL information, activities and resources related to social/emotional well-being. Please see the sub tabs for more information regarding COVID-19 from Simon & McNair counseling standpoint.
Resources I will be uploading on the subpages of this "Adjusting to COVID-19" tab are obtained from outside sources and will be credited through a citation and/or link. This website is technically public, but the link has only been shared with students, parents/guardians and staff members at Simon and McNair. I did not want to restrict it to only Winnebago Community Unit School District emails so parents/guardians could have easy access as well. With that being said, please do not share this link or any resources! Thank you!