
Barriers to Healthy Food

Many communities are affected by food insecurity, including the houseless and low-income households. Though there are many barriers under the umbrella of food, the main one is affordability especially among healthy food. Healthier food tends to be more expensive than highly processed food. For example, a can of veggies is cheap but it doesn't have as much nutritional value as fresh vegetables. Food banks tend to pass out food that is shelf stable and not fresh. Fresh food goes bad fast and which makes it very hard for the government to give fresh food to people. Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrition and vitamins. While the government subsidizes food, only 2 percent of that money is put towards fruit and veggies. Instead, 98 percent of the food that is given out to people is heavily processed and filled with sugar and additives. Because of inflation 42.2% of people bought less food. Processed food is cheap and often that is all poor people can afford. Sadly, food prices increased by 11.4% in 2022 making it even harder for people to afford food. We are working with Stephanie Popescu, Secretary at Grass Roots Neighbors, to help us try and solve this issue among a small area in Los Angeles. Grass Roots delivers groceries to people's houses that are food insecure. Each grocery bag is customized to the person's needs.  


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