About us


  Tata is an eager and hardworking person. Since she was little every Thanksgiving she has served homeless shelter food. Tata realizes not just homeless people struggle to have an adequate amount of food but more than 39 million working low-class people in the U.S. do too. Furthermore, she believes that not only should people have a proper amount of food but also beneficial and sustaining nourishment. With our fruit leather, we hope to allow food-insecure people to be able to have the nutrients needed to survive.


When Sienna approached this topic of food insecurity, she immediately knew she wanted to dig deeper and help as much as possible. Sienna participates in community service events every year and loves the feeling of bettering the community. She believes people should not have to worry about their next meal being put on the table. As important as it is to have food she also believes that this food should be healthy as in America today obesity is a big struggle and is typically caused by not having access to food with actual nutritious value. 


Sarah has always felt a lot of emphathy for people who can't live life to the fullest. Whether that is because of financial issues, health issues, and other things as well, it has always been important to her to somehow help make everyone's quality of living even the tiniest bit more equal. Every Thanksgiving she has cooked and donated food to veterans and also people in need/houseless people. This is why when Sarah came across food insecurity as a big problem in Los Angeles County, she was instantly eager to find out more about the topic and what she can do to help. 

Our Team

Sarah, Sienna, and Tata are 7th grade students. Over the years they have worked and volunteered, helping people and passing out food. They have a lot of empathy for people who can not afford food, especially good quality nutritious foods. Sadly, the only meal some students have is what is offered to them at school. This breaks the team's hearts.